Oatly's to-do-list

So, you may be wondering why a company needs a to-do-list or you may be wondering how long a company’s to-do-list might be and hopefully this explains it a bit or maybe leaves you with your own to-do-list of questions. Anyway, it’s our to-do-list to take important steps towards our vision for a food system that is better for people and the planet. But it´s not just a to-do-list! It´s our sustainability plan that outlines the actions we will take to meet our sustainability ambitions. We believe that transforming the food industry is necessary to face humanity’s greatest challenges across climate change, environment, health, and lifestyle.

Drive a food system shift
Set the example as a future company
Empower a plant-based revolution

These ambition’s are grounded in actions, under each pillar we have the actions or to-do´s, so go ahead and read more under each pillar.

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This site and the related pillars of action (the “Sustainability Pillars”) contain forward-looking statements regarding our future business expectations and objectives and our environmental, social and governance goals, which involve risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from the results anticipated depending on a variety of important factors, including without limitation the risks detailed in our filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. In relation to the Sustainability Pillars, we are (wholly or in part) reliant on public sources of information and information provided by our own suppliers and business partners. Further, our ability to verify such information (whether now, in the past, or in the future) may be limited by the integrity of the underlying data available at the relevant point in time and the status and evolution of global, supranational and national laws, guidelines and regulations in relation to the tracking and provision of such data. Therefore, such information is provided on a reasonable efforts basis and is subject to change.

Ambition 1: By 2029, Oatly’s food system will give back to nature and communities where we source by restoring carbon, improving biodiversity, and boosting farmers’ income.


  • The current model for global food production threatens communities, the climate and ecosystem resilience. If we are to realize the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) and the international Paris Agreement on Climate Change, we need to urgently transform the global food system.
  • If food production is increased to meet the demands of the global population in 2050, without improvements in current agricultural practices - especially soil health - greenhouse gas emissions from global agriculture could rise by as much as 87 percent. Restoring the soils of degraded ecosystems has the estimated potential to store up to 3 billion tons of carbon annually (UN, 2019)
  • As a significant buyer of oats globally, Oatly has a responsibility to source them responsibly and an opportunity to drive sustainability improvements with this crop.

How will we get there?
This is our to do list:

Establish an Oatly “Restoration Farming” system that supports farmers with restorative and regenerative agricultural practices to produce climate neutral oats, and help farmers transition from livestock to more-diverse plant-based farming, with well-researched, locally appropriate solutions.

  • Invest in holistic, on-farm nature-based solutions that improve soil health, land restoration and diversification in a way that benefits farmers and improves crop nutrition.

Source 100% of our strategic direct materials using tailored solutions that represent the most sustainable available option for each material, practice or region.

  • Set clear environmental and social sustainability standards for all our suppliers of oats, other ingredients and packaging materials, while continually monitoring and supporting performance.
  • Support key suppliers as they transition to renewable energy and climate-smart practices.
  • Source packaging that is made from 100% renewable or recycled materials and is fully recyclable. Prioritize packaging that is produced responsibly through appropriate certifications and using renewable energy.

Launch lighthouse partnerships with communities and other supply chain stakeholders to improve livelihoods and promote equity, fair working conditions and human rights—while restoring the natural environment and biodiversity.

Check out our 2022 sustainability update to see our progress and challenges.

AMBITION 2: By 2029, we will reduce our climate footprint per liter of Oatly produced by 70% and align that ambition with a 1.5 degree C climate pathway. 

 Ambition 3: By 2029, all of the facilities that produce our products will meet “Future Factory” criteria, which we will define in line with the principles of sustainable, efficient, safe and inclusive, and we will support our production partners along the journey.


  • The UN has called on all businesses to accelerate the transformation toward a sustainable future that addresses climate change, inequality, health and wellbeing.
  • At Oatly, we will lead by example as a future company, guided by science, respecting the planet, while creating safe and inclusive workplaces with thriving people.

How will we get there?
This is our to do list for the planet:

Develop criteria for making sure our factories are sustainable, efficient, safe and inclusive

By 2029, source 100% renewable energy (both heat and electricity) for our production from a 63% baseline in 2019 and reduce energy consumption from 0.4 kWh per liter produced in 2019.

By 2029, shift to 100% sustainable ground transport (inbound and outbound) for our products and materials, employing electric vehicles, rail or vehicles using renewable fuels.

By 2029, reduce our water withdrawal by at least half from 4.3 liters per liter of Oatly in 2019.

By 2029, eliminate production waste to landfill – reducing waste, repurposing oat fibers residues for food or feed, and composting or converting the rest to energy.

How will we get there?
This is our to do list for people:

Create a safe and equitable arena for personal growth, thought leadership and transformational change. That means zero discrimination, universal fair compensation and benefits, safe and inspiring workplaces, and an inclusive business that reflects the world around us. 

Maintain sustainability as our core value, helping our co-workers feel committed and understand how they contribute toward sustainability. 

Incentivize our leaders to prioritize sustainability by making it part of their performance expectations.

Check out our 2022 sustainability update to see our progress and challenges.

AMBITION 4: By 2029, mainstream plant-based diets by leading a shift from dairy, with a milestone to shift 2.9 billion liters from dairy to Oatly between 2019 and 2025, saving up to
2.5 million tonnes of CO2e 


  • The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warns that we have less than a decade to tackle climate change. According to the EAT Lancet and IPCC Land reports, food production accounts for roughly one third of the world's total greenhouse gas emissions and is exploiting natural resources without meeting nutritional needs.
  • Animal-based diets are responsible for approximately 58% of all food GHG emissions and use about 83% of the world’s farmland but only provide 18% of the calories and 27% of our protein (Poore and Nemecek, 2018).
  • Shifting to a balanced diet that features plant-based foods presents an important opportunity for people to cut their climate footprint and adapt to a changing world, while providing significant health co-benefits. Scientists estimate, by 2050, shifting to low GHG diets could free several million square km of land from food production and mitigate climate change up to 0.7 to 8.0 Gigatonnes of CO2e per year, relative to business as usual projections (IPCC, 2019).
  • The potential for change is high; in 2019 more than 80 percent of the world’s population, or about 6 billion people, regularly consumed liquid milk or other dairy products (FAO, 2019). 

How will we get there?
This is our to do list:

Take a stand on climate change and sustainable food systems in key public forums to demand climate action in the markets in which we operate.

Empower consumers to make sustainable food choices by publishing the climate footprint for 100% of our products, calling for mandatory climate footprint declarations for food in our top markets, and building awareness of the health and other impacts of a transition to a more plant-based, sustainable diet.

Develop and provide to consumers more great products that help people make the shift to plant-based food.

Mobilize and inspire a movement of baristas, chefs, healthcare professionals, retailers, decision-makers, community leaders, youth, scientists, and consumers to support people in their shift to plant-based diets.

Challenge outdated rules and regulatory barriers to level the playing field for plant-based diets and activate grassroots action to change the policy landscape.

Support the shift of capital to more sustainable ventures by engaging the finance community and showing that new investments in sustainable solutions add value and performance.

Check out our 2022 sustainability update to see our progress and challenges.