Oat Drink Barista Iced Caramel Macchiato

As if an ice latte made on oats wasn’t awesome enough, some creative sweet tooth executive from Espresso House brought a little caramel flavour to the Oatly Laboratory in Lund, poured it into a cup of take-away coffee and inspired us to make the Espresso House Iced Oat Latte Caramel Flavour.


Caramel infused oats and beans

The Espresso House Oatly Iced Oat Latte Caramel Flavour is plant-based, because coffee beans come from a plant, and oat kernels comes from the oat and caramel flavour comes from the same magic place where unicorns run free while cats sleep on rainbow clouds, which is the exact science of the sugar beet.

Oatly on ice

You are not required to put the Espresso House Oatly Iced Oat Latte Caramel Flavour in the fridge, it can be stored in room temperature for a long time before opening. It’s also not a prerequisite to pour it over ice just because it looks cool and tastes like New Year’s Day on a warm beach. It’s just a recommendation we make if you want to experience the perfect blend of sweet, bitter and acidic flavours brought by the oats, the caramel and the coffee when it’s chilled and poured over ice.

More about this product

  • I hate Oatly but I don’t know how to put it in words.

    You sound like the person our digital media specialist was referring to as the “target demographic” for this site: fckoatly.com

  • Where can I find Oatly?

    Oatly products can be found in almost any grocery store in many parts of the world, all the best cafés serve coffee with one or all of our Oatly Barista Editions and any restaurant with self-respect and care for its customers and the planet, use our creamy oats and other cooking products in their creations. Ask your favorite store to carry your favorite Oatly product, if you can’t already find it there, or use our  Oatfinder  to locate a café serving premium coffee with oats.

  • How do I use this oat drink?

    For cooking and baking

    1. Find any recipe that you want to cook or bake.

    2. Where it says milk, use this oat drink instead.

    For coffee, tea or hot chocolate

    1. Make the usual preparations.

    2. Use this oat drink instead of milk from a cow.

    For drinking

    1. Pour the oat drink into a glass, mug or a cup.

    2. Drink

    Need more inspiration? Watch “Will it Swap?


Where are the ingredients?

Since our ingredients often differ slightly between markets they are not available on the global site.